SKAL Roma partecipa allo SKALITE 2020

Skal Roma partecipa al prestigioso evento SKALITE 2020, evento che da molti anni premia le eccellenze del turismo in Turchia.

Istanbul è gemellata con Roma, e cade proprio in questi giorni l’anniversario del 10 anno di gemellaggio.

All’evento hanno partecipato il Presidente Paolo Bartolozzi ed i past president Alberto Zampi, che iniziò il processo di gemellaggio, Augusto Minei che lo firmò ed Antonio Percario in quanto Consigliere Internazionale di Skal Italia.

Ecco il messaggio del Presidente:

Mrs President, Skalleagues, and all participants of this Skalité, event which is, for many years, one of Skal Istanbul and Skal International brightest highlights.

I am honoured by your invitation, just as are the former Skal Roma presidents who are with me now; Alberto Zampi and Augusto Minei (the first initited and second signed the twinning between Skal Roma and Skal Istanbul), and Antonio Percario who is very well known for his activity as International Counselor for Skal Italia.

There are thousands of years of relations between Roma and Istanbul, so it’s very natural that our Clubs are twinned.

It’s exactly in these days that we are celebrating 10 years of twinning between our clubs.

Our cities are not only two of the major tourist destinations in the world, but also hubs for humanity treasures, art, culture, and history.

Being Skal members,2 we agree that the basis of our association is friendship and solidarity. I, therefore, bring the friendship and solidarity of all of Skal Roma members with our wishes for a much better New Year 2021. Best wishes for our Istanbul Skalleagues, for the other participating Turkish clubs and Turkish national committee, for all the authorities and, of course, for all tourism enterprises who will be awarded today with the prizes for excellence. My best professional years have been in top quality hotels so I am fully aware of the amount of work that all the winners have put to achieve such results.

Again, thank you for including us in your marvellous and successful event.

A triple SKAL!!

Happy new year!